Experience Spiritual Awakening Through Sensual Touch
In Tantra the body is the temple of the soul, so during the massage Clio treats your body as sacred. The massage is a loving and honouring way to remember your innate divinity. It’s also sensually arousing, creating the environment for whole body orgasms and connection with the divine, oneness and the truth of who you are. Massages are normally given naturist.
If you want to go deeper, Clio’s holistic approach combines counselling and movement with meditation and massage to uncover the root of your problems rather than just giving a you a spiritual and sensual experience. Many people prefer to have a programme of several sessions to go on a spiritual or healing journey with her guidance and facilitation.
Clio's massage training comes from an excellent therapeutic relaxation massage she learned on her travels and used as massage therapist in a hot spring spa in Mexico. Clio has since augmented this massage more sensual and energy techniques from her different trainings and follows her intuition and guidance so each massage is unique and individually tailored to the reciever. Clio works with men, women and couples.