Hi Friend, I'm so excited to be with you for The Awakened Artist SOULtuning Class 1-Soften this Saturday, May 9. And for you to get to know the other beautiful people in this course. We have about 12 people. Here is everything you need to know for Saturday: Please DOWNLOAD the COURSE BOOK & WORK BOOK(s) for Module 1-Soften. (There are 2 versions of the Work Book - PDF & Word DOC, whichever you prefer. You can type right onto the Word DOC on your computer). You may want to PRINT OUT the Workbook & use it for taking notes - or - you can use a notebook or journal during class. Class starts promptly at 1pm (Eastern/USA) so feel free to join ZOOM any time after 12:45pm. If you have to join us late, please mute your microphone before entering meeting. *Please attend as much of the class LIVE as possible, and watch whatever you miss on the recorded playback link (you will receive after class) before the next class. *I will also enable the record feature so you can record the class right onto your computer or cloud. Class will generally end by 4pm (but if there is a lot of sharing, we could run a few minutes over) and there is a 10-15 minute break midway through each class Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 815 5468 1509 / Password: 014853 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81554681509?pwd=aEZoTmtIRUxTQnBwbUJITlI4NHlqZz09
The COURSE BOOK is included for extra support. You may read it before or after the class, but it's not mandatory. If you have any questions, or need help joining the ZOOM session or downloading the materials, please email, text or call me (609) 792-6265. *THERE'S STILL TIME to invite friends or family to join us for the class! You can send them to TheAwakenedArtist.net/Course for more info or they can call me to see if it's right for them. Can't wait to see you soon! Love, Deb |