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#SoulBlast - World Food Day Pittsburgh | October 16, 2021

The EAT Initiative will be hosting Pittsburgh’s World Food Day on October 16th, 2021. Pittsburgh joins with cities from around the world to celebrate the 76th anniversary of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations World Food Day.
This year, Pittsburgh’s festivities, streaming on several social media platforms, will feature cooking demonstrations, music, interviews, and the presentation of The EAT Initiative Exceptional Service Awards, acknowledging people and organizations who fight food insecurity.
World Food Day Pittsburgh will culminate with the kick-off of EAT Initiative’s $1 million campaign to solve food insecurity for the Pittsburgh region. The plan, utilizing hundreds of regional partners, will utilize existing resources to fill the gaps made obvious by the recent world events.
Location: 1850 Centre Avenue Pittsburgh, PA, 15219 (Old Shop and Save Parking Lot)
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