August 2022- October 2023
YogaRoots On Location ® Certified Online Yoga Teacher Training is an anti-racist and social justice yoga teacher training offered through the Yoga Alliance's 200-hour Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) Certification. A 13-month training, each objective is rooted in Raja Yoga's 8-Limbed Path of study and centered by Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras.
This training integrates systems-based and trauma-informed frameworks with the Raja Yoga practices of behavioral observances and restraints, movement, breath awareness, sensory awareness, concentration, meditation, and divine purpose.
YogaRoots On Location, LLC ®
200 hr. RYS-Registered Yoga School

 Learn More & Register Here: https://www.yogarootsonlocation.com/overview


Learn More & Register Here: https://www.yogarootsonlocation.com/overview


YogaRoots On Location, LLC® leads embodied antiracist organizing through Raja yoga. We aim to meet people where they are and offer AntiRacist professional development, integrative group and individual yoga classes, and Certified AntiRacist Raja Yoga Teacher Training across the country. Collective liberation is our path to healing. It is our dream to recognize our humanity and find the courage to end systems of racism, patriarchy, and capitalism, together. ------------------------
We see Integrative Raja Yoga as a path to do so.
Learn more by emailing smile@yogarootsonlocation.com or visiting our website