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#SoulBlast - Training Support Administrator Position with PRT

Pittsburgh Regional Transit is seeking a Training Support Administrator to develop, coordinate and implement employee training and qualification programs for the operation, maintenance, and servicing for Port Authority of Allegheny County d/b/a Pittsburgh Regional Transit (PRT) bus fleet and small transit vehicles. Develop and implement applicable supervisory training and identify and coordinate skill proficiency and leadership development opportunities. Ensure activities are consistent with Port Authority’s short term and long-term objectives and in support of bus operation, maintenance, and service functions.
Essential Functions:
Responsible for implementing and monitoring both operator and maintenance internship positions. Develops curriculum and standards for both bus operator and maintenance internships, apprenticeships, and mentorships. Responsible for all intern daily activities.
Support the Human Resource Department with the training of First Line Supervisors. Provides training to first line supervisors and serves as the point of contact for newly hired First Line Supervisors through their first 90 days in the position.
Meets regularly with managers and supervisors at the field locations to determine training and development needs. Develops and conducts periodic needs analysis to access future training needs. Coordinates the development and implementation of employee training and qualification program.
Meets regularly with outside originations to develop partnerships in efforts of acquiring new talent.
To view the complete job description and learn how to apply, Click Here. (PDF)
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