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#SoulBlast - Now Hiring— Join City Charter High School for a Rewarding Career!

Join our Staff
City Charter High School, an urban 9-12 high school located in Downtown Pittsburgh, is excited to announce the following opportunities to join our staff:
Information Literacy Teacher
City Charter High School is looking to hire a full-time Math teacher. The position requires implementation of the interactive mathematics curriculum within a collaborative work environment involving a learning support teacher and/or teaching associate. Curriculum areas include algebra, geometry and pre-calculus. Candidates must be able to work with students of different ability levels within the same classroom and be able to build relationships with students... Learn More
Special Education Teacher
City Charter High School is seeking a full-time Special Education Teacher for the current 9th grade. Position involves coordinating support and assisting students with disabilities within a fully inclusive environment across all academic areas and collaborating with content areas to instruct, modify and adapt work for students. Position also includes writing all special education paperwork including IEPs, PBSPs, transition plans and progress monitoring reports... Learn More
Music Teacher
City Charter High School is seeking a full-time high school Music Teacher. The qualified candidate must have strong teaching abilities and an understanding of pedagogy and instructional practices in music education. The candidate must be able to teach courses that create opportunities for students to gain appreciation in the art of music, learn to play various instruments and learn to sing as part of a school chorus. At City High, the Music teacher works collaboratively on a grade level looping teaching team but will teach students across all grade levels...Learn More
Spanish Teacher
City Charter High School is seeking a full-time, 10th grade, creative and innovative Spanish Teacher who is excited to take the current Spanish program to the next level. City High is a public, urban charter school located in downtown Pittsburgh serving students in grades 9-12...Learn More
Cultural Literacy Teaching Associate
City Charter High School City Charter High School is looking to hire a teaching associate to work in collaboration with the 9th grade English and History teachers within the Cultural Literacy classroom...Learn More
Math/Science Teaching Associate
City Charter High School is looking to hire a teaching associate to work in collaboration with the 11th grade Math and Science Teachers. The teaching associate position involves assisting students of multiple ability levels within the Math and Science classrooms...Learn More
Special Education Teaching Associate
City Charter High School is looking to hire a teaching associate to work alongside the special education learning support teachers. The teaching associate position involves assisting students with disabilities within a fully inclusive environment across all academic areas and collaborating with the special education teachers to implement IEPs and progress monitors...Learn More
Building Substitute
to join our school community for the 2021-22 school year. The position will include working Tuesday through Friday on a weekly basis from 7:45 to 3:45 at a rate of $175.00 per day. The candidate must be flexible and comfortable in working with various content areas and high school aged students...Learn More
School Safety Officer
City Charter High School, a public 9-12 charter school, located in downtown Pittsburgh is looking to hire a full-time School Safety Officer. With the aim of assuring a safe and secure school, whereby all school community stakeholders feel and contribute to the safety of the school, the School Safety Officer plays a pivotal role in this goal. A highlight of responsibilities includes: Work collaboratively as a part of a School Safety team and with school administration...Learn More
To view complete job descriptions and learn how to apply,
City High is an Equal Rights and Opportunity Public School.

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