Discover excellence in education
right in your own backyard!

Guided Tours Featuring Student Ambassadors, Teachers & Staff
Teach-Ready Classrooms Featuring ViewSonic Touchscreen Interactive Flat Panels (IFP)
Cultural Literacy & Information Literacy
Financial Literacy & Technology
Math & Science Labs
Senior Wing and Quiet Room with Individualized Student Workstations
State-of-the-Art Fitness Center including cardio, resistance, and weight-training equipment
Cafeteria where students enjoy Chef-Prepared Refreshments!
Admissions Center in Our Auditorium (Apply On-Site!)
College Readiness
Post-High School College/Career Planning & Support
Mentored Advisory with 4-year Looping Teachers
Senior Year Independent Learning Model
Honors Classes & Dual Enrollment College Classes
Career Readiness
Year-Round Schedule and a Four Day School Week
FREE Laptop for all students*
Career & Workforce Literacy
Required Financial Literacy & Technology Classes
13-Week Mentored Internship
Adobe & Microsoft Certifications
Join Us March 22nd!
RSVP at Cityhigh.org/open-house

City Charter High School • 201 Stanwix Street, Suite 100, Pittsburgh, PA 15222
cityhigh.org • Phone: 412.690.2489 • Email: admissions@cityhigh.org
**The cost of each student’s public education, transportation, and laptop is paid for by taxpayer dollars. Laptops are yours to keep upon graduation. City High is accredited by the Middle States. Commission on Secondary Schools since 2007. City High is an Equal Rights and Opportunity Public School.
