The Episcopal Lutheran Alliance (ELA) and the Church of the Holy Cross Episcopal, in partnership with the City of Pittsburgh Zone 5 Police, and Rodef Shalom, will kick off the summer with a series of free activities for families. On July 4th at 2pm we will pay respect to the victims of gun violence with a T Shirt Memorial Display. This memorial is a unique tool to honor the victims of gun murders and their surviving family members. T-shirts with the names, age and dates of murder victims are displayed where community members can experience in a tangible way the loss of life and disruption of lives that gun violence creates. The Memorial was developed by Heeding God's Call to End Gun Violence." ------------
Local Organizers: Diane Powell, Community and Family Builders, and Marilyn Mulvihill, Heeding God's Call with support from Liddy Barlow, SW PA Christian Associates. ------------
A special thank you to the Homewood Churches who volunteered to host the Memorial: Bethesda Presbyterian, Rev. McKinley, Bible Center Church, Rev. Wallace, Homewood AME Zion (previously Rev. Counts), Baptist Temple, Rev. Lyde, Shiloh Community Missionary Baptist Church, Coordinated by Karen Spells, Trustee, Holy Cross, Rev. Johnson, Coordinator, Sylvia Wilson. “I can’t help but wonder, how did we get here as a society? Why do so many people believe that it’s ok to take a life?” Said Diane Powell.

Holy Cross will also celebrate Independence Day with a Grill and Chill event on the church's lawn on Tuesday, July 4 beginning at 3pm. **The Grill and Chill will feature live music, food, and snacks – and at dusk, the Marvel blockbuster movie, “Black Panther 2” will be screened on the lawn. ------------
Grill and Chill is the kick-off event for a series of other family activities we plan to host during the summer months. To provide a safe and fun caring environment for youth and families. “We are happy to offer a family fun event in Homewood” said, Sylvia C. Wilson, who serves on the Executive Body of the Church. “We are a nation that is so divided yet we recognize that we are also one of the best nations on earth. What better place to celebrate our liberties than in Homewood,” said Sylvia. ------------
You can reserve your grill and place on the lawn by calling the Church of the Holy Cross at 412-242-3209. (But we invite you to join us even if you don't reserve a spot in advance).