City Charter High School, an urban 9-12 high school located in Downtown Pittsburgh, is excited to announce the following opportunities to join our staff:
Technology Manager The Technology Manager is responsible for developing, implementing, and managing all technology-related systems, policies, and platforms for approximately 90 staff members and 550+ students, supporting staff members with technical issues, and ensuring data integrity across a number of school information systems.
Full Time School Nurse The school nurse is responsible for coordinating, collaborating, planning for, and providing direct services to ensure that the school district’s health program, as defined by the Pennsylvania School Code, School District Policies, and the PA Dept. of Health Division of School Health Regulations. The goals of the school nurse position are to maintain and/or improve the health status of students...
Social Worker/School Counselor City High has two full time Social Workers, looking to hire a third, whose mission is to promote, counsel and support lifelong wellness for all students. By bringing counseling and nursing services into the school on a full-time basis, City High is dedicated to the emotional, mental and physical health of its students. The role of the City High School Social Worker is to engage with students who are facing challenges in their lives...
Special Education Teacher Position involves coordinating support and assisting students with disabilities within a fully inclusive environment across all academic areas and collaborating with content areas to instruct, modify and adapt work for students. Position also includes writing all special education paperwork including IEPs, PBSPs, transition plans and progress monitoring reports...
Learning Support Teaching Associate The teaching associate position involves assisting students with disabilities within a fully inclusive environment across all academic areas and collaborating with the special education teachers to implement IEPs and progress...
Cultural Literacy Teaching Associate City Charter High School is looking to hire a teaching associate to work in collaboration with the 9th grade English and History teachers within the Cultural Literacy classroom. The teaching associate position involves assisting students of multiple ability levels within the Cultural Literacy (English and History) classroom, conducting reading and discussion groups and co-teaching History and/or English content...
Daily Substitute City Charter High School is looking to hire a part-time, daily substitute to join our school community for the 2021-22 school year. The position will include working Tuesday through Friday on a weekly basis from 7:45 to 3:45 at a rate of $175.00 per day. The candidate must be flexible and comfortable in working with various content areas and high school aged students...
Maintenance Assistant The responsibility of this position includes maintaining all City Charter High School (CCHS) occupied floors. The position is expected to promote a clean, safe and healthy environment for all students and staff...
Administrative Assistant/Receptionist The position requires a high school diploma or its equivalent and 3-5 years of experience in the field or a related area are required. Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite required. Knowledge of student information systems is a plus. Additional qualifications include: initiative; excellent communication and interpersonal skills; flexibility; a positive attitude; and the ability to work...
Personal Care Assistant City Charter High School is seeking a full time support staff to provide one-on-one academic and life skills support for an 11th grade student. The one-on-one position works alongside general education and special education teachers within a fully inclusive environment. The student uses a walker to travel throughout the school, is included in all general education classes and uses assistive technology such as text to speech software...

To view complete job descriptions and learn how to apply,
Please a send cover letter and resume to Angie Welch,
City High is an Equal Rights and Opportunity Public School.
