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#SoulBlast - City Charter High School Celebrates Twentieth Anniversary & Shares Winning Model for Student Success

Twenty years ago, City Charter High School was established through an initial five-year charter granted by Pittsburgh Public Schools. A generation later, we have graduated almost 2000 students, many of whom have exceeded national benchmarks for persisting through college and postsecondary educational programs. And, we can now boast that our alumni are sending their own children to City High. Some of our alumni are even joining our professional team as teachers and staff.
From startup to standout!
Since its founding in 2002, City High has matured, developed, and created an innovative educational model that works and has stood the test of time. We’re encouraged and proud that we’ve played a pivotal role in helping to change the educational landscape in Pittsburgh with our student-centered and teaming approach to education. We’ve achieved what many long-standing educational organizations have been striving for: that ALL students can achieve amazing things when their potential is nurtured and they are held to high expectations. Here is a snapshot of City High’s accomplishments: -------------
- 94% average graduation rate over 4 years
- 2nd highest Pittsburgh Promise eligibility among Pittsburgh high schools
- We consistently grow students as learners with nearly 100% growth in the majority of state-tested areas of achievement.
- 100% of City High graduates complete a culminating internship in their career area of interest through long-standing and new partnerships with area businesses and professional organizations.

There is so much to celebrate! We are creating a bi-annual educational symposium to share our discoveries and best practices with educators from Pittsburgh and surrounding areas on July 11, 2022 and an anniversary event for major stakeholders on August 3, 2022.
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