Subject: #SoulBlast - Career & Union Job Fair – Free Headshots, Professional & Construction Services Employers & More!

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#SoulBlast - Career & Union Job Fair – Free Headshots, Professional & Construction Services Employers & More!

The Lower Hill Redevelopment’s First Source Center and the Master Builders’ Association are hosting a Career & Union Job Fair at the Energy Innovation Center and you’re invited! This is an opportunity to give current and former Historic Hill residents (and the general African American community) the opportunity to meet prospective employers offering career opportunities in professional and construction services. There will be representation from local Unions, Pre-apprentice Programs, Trade/Business Support Services and MBA Contractors (see full list here).


What to Expect:

MBA Contractors
Professional Services Employers
Pre-Apprentice Programs
Trade/Business Support Services
Complimentary Food
Professional Headshots
Free Parking in EIC Lot
Paid Parking – Melody Lot ($6.50)


Pre-registration is strongly suggested.
Click the RSVP link below and get your tickets today!

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