Beanie Paints Art Showcase May 1 at 6 PM to 10 PM @ Thoughtrobbers Gallery 438 S Main St Fl 1, Pittsburgh, PA 15220 www.thoughtrobbers.com
This event is free and open to the public.
Beanie Paints LLC, is a Visual Art Company that specializes in Face and Body art, Canvases, murals, and customized instruments. As a result of the events Beanie Paints has done in Pittsburgh, West Virginia and Ohio, people have a mind-blowing experience.
Beanie Paints is not only a Pittsburgh face and body painter, nicknamed Beanie as a child, Irene has also created breathtaking murals in local restaurants, homes, and businesses.
And now Beanie Paints will have her FIRST gallery show where she will be displaying her originals for purchase, along with models showing her body paint artwork. This event is free and open to the public.

Visit the Beanie Paints website to see some of their artwork! www.beaniepaints.com
412-951-5756 beaniepaints@gmail.com
Scan the QR Code below for Instagram
