Subject: #SoulBlast - Artists, apply now for funding from Advancing Black Arts in Pittsburgh

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#SoulBlast - Artists, apply now for funding from Advancing Black Arts in Pittsburgh

Advancing Black Arts in Pittsburgh
grant applications open for 2023 cycle!

Advancing Black Arts in Pittsburgh is committed to helping create a vibrant cultural life in Pittsburgh and the region. The program provides grants to individual artists, collectives and arts organizations and a graduate school scholarship.

The application process for the 2023 grant cycle 
is open through May 3 at 5 p.m.

We encourage you to take a moment and revisit the program’s guidelines and rules, find information on how to apply and more at 
The Pittsburgh Foundation’s website.



You can also watch a recording of the community Q&A session on how to apply at the Advancing Black Arts in Pittsburgh page.


All application proposals are due via our online portal by Wednesday, May 3 at 5 p.m., unless otherwise noted.


Access the online portal to set up an account and apply. Funding decisions will be announced within six months of the application deadline.  


If you have any questions, please email the Arts Program team at  

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