Subject: #SoulBlast - African Americans on the Ballot! A Message from Joy Woodruff

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#SoulBlast - African Americans on the Ballot! A Message from Joy Woodruff

In Allegheny County, there are only 3 elected African American judges out of 43 seats. With 9 open seats, the opportunity is here to put all 5 African Americans on the bench. It is very much needed.


I am not aware of any African Americans on PA Commonwealth Court; with 2 openings, there is an opportunity to seat 2 African Americans. Judge Lori Dumas is running for PA Commonwealth Court and has been a champion for our children in this state. She serves on statewide and national boards with Judge Woodruff and was chosen by Judge Woodruff to lead Philadelphia “Do the Write Thing” (DtWT), an anti-violence program for middle school youth. She has done an exceptional job with the program. (Note, I am the co-leader of Pittsburgh DtWT and serve with Lori on our National Campaign to Stop Violence). Additionally, Attorney Amanda Green-Hawkins is a candidate for Commonwealth Court. She previously served honorably on the Allegheny County Council in the seat previously held by the Hon. Brenda Frazier.



There is plenty more that I can say, so reach out to me before you vote if you need additional info.

Take care and God bless,

Joy Woodruff

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