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#SoulBlast - 8th Graders! Don't Miss City Charter High School Oct. 1st New Admissions Open House & Tour

--------- Your student's potential for success is defined by the High School they attend!
Saturday, October 1st, you'll be able to see where your child can embark on his or her greatest potential! See our lecture hall and fitness center. Visit classrooms and labs, and our cafeteria with a professionally equipped kitchen for chef-prepared lunches! Learn about students' free laptop and cultural field trips, and why gave us an "A" Rating in Health and Safety, and so much more.
---------RSVP and Join UsNew Admissions Fall OPEN HOUSE and School Tour Saturday, October 1st 10 a.m. - Noonfor 8th Graders and Prospective 9th and 10th Graders! 201 Stanwix Street, Pgh. PA (Downtown)Tour the school, meet teachers and student ambassadors, and APPLY onsite!LEARN MORE and see what documentation you need to apply onsite at City High's Open House and School Tour! City High is a Tuition-FREE* Public High School.
City Charter High School is a path to a very bright future because it has prepared me for life after high school. They have created opportunities for me that I would have never imagined. I am president of my National Honors Society, I am very passionate about helping others and creating new ways to do so. I am a dual enrolled student. I hope to use what I have learned when I pursue a career in business and marketing. I know how to avoid debt because of the Financial Literacy Class I take. I know what colleges I want to attend because of the Transition Office. They have given me tons of advice and opportunities to help pave the way to my future career. I feel fully prepared to take the next steps in life because I am fully equipped to become very successful.
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Key Differences that Make City High Stand Out
- Teachers Loop with student all 4 years and have Personal Mentor/Advisor
- Full inclusion classrooms
- FREE* laptop 24/7—wireless classrooms, yours to keep after graduation
- Microsoft Office & Adobe certifications
- Post High School Planning Team - providing training and support for college, trade/tech school or direct-to-work students
- Career Mapping for each student
- 13 Week Mentored Internship
- Work-Skills Literacy Curriculum
- Opportunities to earn college credits at CCAC or Point Park University
- Year-round classes/emphasis on academics.
- Required professional attire.
- Private study carrels and wing for seniors.
- Leadership encouragement
- 4PLUS Schedule Tuesday-Friday Includes an optional 5th day on alternating, designated Mondays allowing students to personalize their experience
Class of 2027 City High’s 2023-2024 Enrollment Application Launches October 1, 2022!
Only 180 seats. Will you be one of them?
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