Judge Dwayne D. Woodruff: Pittsburgh’s MVP and the Commonwealth’s democratic candidate for PA Supreme Court
The Honorable Dwayne D. Woodruff has served as a practicing attorney, founding partner of a law firm, professional football player, team captain, mentor and volunteer-but above all a man of high integrity and respect for the law.
Woodruff dedicates his life to public service, the law and is best noted for his family values. His wife Joy Maxberry Woodruff of 38 years supports his determination to be Pennsylvania’s second elected African American Supreme Court Justice. He has three young adult children—Jillian Woodruff, MD, an Ob/Gyn medical doctor; Jenyce M. Woodruff, Esq., an attorney; and John B. Woodruff, II, Esq., an attorney and captain in the United States Marines.
Some would say Woodruff has great determination, integrity and responsible leadership. All of which makes him a valuable candidate to be Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court Justice.
In 1979, Woodruff earned a degree in Business Finance from the University of Louisville and a Juris Doctor from Duquesne University School of Law in1988. He had a successful professional football career with the Pittsburgh Steelers – playing 12 seasons, including playing in Super Bowl XIV as a rookie in 1980, being named Steelers MVP in 1982 and serving as team captain his final three seasons. It was during his football career that he attended law school in the evening, showcasing his hard work ethic and sense of commitment.
Woodruff has an unprecedented, dual career distinction in professional sports – simultaneously practicing law with the Meyer Darragh firm and playing football for the Pittsburgh Steelers for three years from 1988 to 1990. In 1997, he became a founding partner of Woodruff Flaherty law firm; later Woodruff Flaherty & Fardo.
Woodruff currently serves on the board of the National Commission of Juvenile and Family Court Judges and the Allegheny County Jail Oversight Board, co-chairs Pittsburgh SAFE Workgroup (Shared Accountability for Education) and serves on Educational Success & Truancy Prevention Committee (ESTP). Additionally, Judge Woodruff co-chairs the National Campaign to Stop Violence’s “Do the Write Thing Challenge”—a unique initiative which gives middle school students the opportunity to communicate their thoughts on the impact of violence in their lives and to make personal commitments to reduce violence.
He previously served as Vice-Chair of the PA Juvenile Court Procedural Rules Committee, a member of the prestigious PA Juvenile Court Judges’ Commission; as chairman of Pittsburgh Interbranch Commission of Juvenile Justice, and was one of four PA Judges appointed by the PA Supreme Court to the Interbranch Commission on Juvenile Justice, tasked with making recommendations to the state following the Luzerne County “kids for cash” scandal.
Additionally, Judge Woodruff receives great pleasure presiding over CYF (Children Youth & Families) adoptions in his courtroom and considers it a privilege to be in a position to give guidance to youth, especially the young Black males who come before him in court. He feels his work with youth is a calling with responsibilities that don’t end with the job.
Since his announcement to run for elected office, he has received tremendous support from the Pennsylvania Democratic Party by being the first endorsed African American Democratic Candidate in history. He’s received a recommended rating from the Pennsylvania Bar Association and numerous endorsements across the Commonwealth.
This year, voters have an opportunity to elect someone to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, who understands the importance of fairness, equality and integrity. In common with someone who upholds family values and reflects the diversity of the Commonwealth.
We want to hear from you – visit, www.woodruff2017.com for more information on how you can get involved today!