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"Soul Blast - RACE: Are We So Different? Runs Now thru Oct 27th at Carnegie Museum in Oakland"
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RACE: Are We So Different? A groundbreaking exploration of race in America. Runs March 29 - October 27, 2014
The exhibition weaves together personal stories of living with race along with expert discussions of the history of race as a concept, the role that science has played in that history, and emerging research that challenges the foundations of what we perceive as race. Interactive multimedia components, historic artifacts, iconic objects, and compelling photographs offer visitors an eye-opening look at a topic that is fundamental to our shared human experience.
Race: Are We So Different? runs through Oct 27th at Carnegie Museum of Natural History, and will include Teenie Harris images from Carnegie Museum of Art’s collection as a collaboration between the two museums. This photographic project will recreate the “Pittsburghers Speak Up” column which ran from the 1950s to 70s in the preeminent African American newspaper, the Pittsburgh Courier. In the original column, Teenie’s photos accompanied interviews by reporter George Barbour (approx. 1957–1963).
 @ Carnegie Museum of Natural History 4400 Forbes Avenue | Pittsburgh, PA 15213 412.622.3131 CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS
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