The LANE Construction Corporation is bidding on the Pennsylvania Turnpike Southern Beltway – SR 0576, Section 55C1-1: Bidding 4/12/2017
Scopes of Work and Subcontracting Opportunities:
Roadway: Trucking/Hauling, Asphalt, Traffic, Clearing, Excavation, Geotextiles, Sub-Base, Concrete Paving, Box Culvert, RCP Pipe, Corrugated Aluminum and Steel Pipe, Drainage Structures and Work, F&G/Castings, Manholes, Endwalls, Lab Testing, Underdrain/Subdrain, Bridge Barrier, Guiderail, Fencing & Gates, Class A, AA, AAAP Cement Concrete, Temporary Barrier, Misc. Concrete Flatwork, Seeding, Erosion Control, Landscaping, Pavement Marking, Junction Boxes, Lighting/Electrical, Signs, Sediment Ponds, Stream Crossing Work, Sediment Traps, Incorporated Utilities, Steel Casing, Predrilling… Bridge Work: Decking and Rebar Installation, Pile/Drilling and other materials/work…
Commencement of Project: Spring 2017 – Completion Date: Set for July 26, 2019.
Diversity Business Enterprises (DBEs):
DBE Goal 13%: All PENNDOT DBEs are encouraged to participate on this project. Lane Construction is willing to break out parts of this contract’s work items into economically feasible units to facilitate DBE subcontractor participation. Plans and specifications will be available for viewing on our FTP site, in our office and on ISqFt. Lane Construction is willing to negotiate in good faith with interested DBE subcontractors, and Lane will not reject DBE, as being unqualified without sound reasons based on a thorough investigation of their abilities. Lane is willing to pay on a quick pay basis upon the number of units for the week, per the schedule of values that the sub performs. Lane Construction will work with DBEs on issues related to bonding, insurance, lines of credit, as well as in obtaining equipment, supplies, materials or related assistance or services.
* Quotes are due: Monday, April 10, 2017 by end of business day.
To receive a formal invitation to bid for this project or to submit a quote, please contact Jacob Sauter at JASauter@LaneConstruct.com
Jacob Sauter: Phone: (412) 539-0951