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Soul Blast - Health & Wellness Seminar Featuring Dr. Llaila O. Afrika on June 27 at AAMI
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 Featuring the World Renown Holistic Specialist, Dr. Llaila O. Afrika Saturday June 27, 2015 at 4 PM at AAMI

Health & Wellness Seminar Sponsored By: Dr. James T. Johnson, Jr. Executive Director, Afro American Music Institute Featuring the world renown Holistic Specialist, Dr. Llaila O. Afrika A One-Day Workshop Saturday June 27, 2015 at 4 PM General Discussion $20.00 General discussion focusing on natural remedies for various diseases. CD’s, Health Kits and Books will also be available. Well Documented Facts You Can Research Yourself
 Chemotherapy and radiation do not cure cancer…they cause it. Insulin is a salt. It does not cure diabetes! Sugar and junk foods make children violent! Conventional Drugs ultimately make arthritis worse and destroy the body! High Blood Pressure can be eliminated with diet and natural herbs!
At the Afro-American Music Institute, 7131 Hamilton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15208
For more information contact Dr. James T. Johnson, Jr. at: 412.443.6156
or email

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