ART SALE BENEFIT Friday, March 4th 5PM-9PM and Saturday, March 5th 2PM-7PM @ Shannopin Country Club 1 Windmere Rd, Pittsburgh, PA 15202
A special high-quality original art sale to benefit the Pittsburgh Community Food Bank

A fulfilling and rare opportunity to purchase high quality original artworks created by artists from the U.S. and all around the world at fantastic prices for a great cause benefitting the Pittsburgh Community Food Bank. Plan to attend and have a wonderful experience!!!
- Enjoy pleasant surroundings, great view of city
- Relaxing live entertainment by Music of Life Pittsburgh, LLC
- Free hors d’oeuvres
- Cocktails
- Unwind as you see all the wonderful selections of art offered in an informative and enjoyable presentation
- Make a purchase that will delight you for many years to come and give a fresh look to your home, possibly inspiring your next project. Put a smile on your face and help put a smile on someone else.
 @ Shannopin Country Club 1 Windmere Rd, Pittsburgh, PA 15202
Directions From Pittsburgh: Take I-279 North to Exit 7 (formerly Exit 14) – Bellevue/West View. Go up the ramp to the traffic light and make a left turn onto Union Avenue. Go down the hill until you come to a four-way intersection with a traffic light and make a right turn onto New Brighton Road. Go up the hill to the stop sign and make a right turn onto Canterbury. That will lead you directly to the Clubhouse.

RSVP appreciated for planning to RSVP Please send an email to: Put "Art Sale Benefit RSVP" in the Subject Line
Fill up your heart and your home with this wonderful opportunity to buy art for a worthy cause. Percentage of sales benefit the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank.

For full details, list of art categories, auction donors and more, please visit: