We have 8 household name carriers on the platform, however, two may be of interest to those who want to avoid all personal contact: 1) Savings Bank Life Insurance (SBLI)* - a client between the ages of 18 to 60 can purchase up to $750,000 of Term Life Insurance WITHOUT the need for an exam or labs (some companies may offer that to very healthy clients but SBLI guarantees that no exams or labs will be required). 2) Pacific Life - a client between the ages of 50 to 69 can purchase up to $1,000,000 of term or GUL insurance WITHOUT the need for an exam or labs IF they have had a routine annual exam (including Labs) from their primary care provider within the past 18 months. 3) Other carriers where an exam may or may not be required: a. Banner b. Prudential* c. John Hancock* d. American National* f. Protective Life g. AIG*
*Our back office/call center completes application |