Subject: Become a founding member of the Smartphone Video Mastergroup

I shot this short video for you.

Hey Friend,

I shot this short screen share video to explain in more detail what the Smartphone Video Marketing Mastergroup is all about and how you can become a founding member.

It is in 3 parts.

Part 1 - Who is this for and the goal of the 8 week Mastergroup program. Watch it here...

Part 2 - What is covered in the Mastergroup 8 week program. Watch it here...

Part 3 - Your next steps to get involved. Watch it here...

We would like to work with you in helping you implement Smartphone Video Marketing into your SME business.

It is about you and your business being ‘Seen and Heard’ with Smartphone Video.

It is about you and the smartphone video marketing team working towards planning, shooting and producing a smartphone video to implement into your marketing.

It is about using smartphone video content to generate growth, leads, & revenue for your business

It’s as simple as that… More details can be found here...

And as I said, this is an offer exclusive to you at this time.

An offer that is all about action and implementation.

We will be closing this application process this Sunday (11/07/2021). So take action and stop thinking about how you should be doing video marketing. Details here...



B2B SME Business Owner & Smartphone Video Marketing Founder

>> P.S. << I love showing SME business owners what they can do and how they can do it with smartphone video. If I can share what I know and help them achieve their goals so they can get more out of life and give back what’s important to them, job done.

>> P.P.S. << Where are you with Video Marketing? Implement Smartphone video marketing into your business within 90 days. Book a strategy session and I’ll show you how.