Subject: As promised. You're getting the first look at this.

I'm excited....
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I started Smartphone Video Marketing for one reason only.

To introduce SME business owners to the principles of smartphone video and video marketing. Simple.


I have seen how it has transformed our SME business into an authority in our industry, how it captures what we do and how we do it, how it starts conversations and how that leads to sales.
That is my measure of success for the business. A level of success that feeds down into my personal life and enables me to then prioritise what’s important to me.
What is your measure of success, not just professionally but personally as well?
Only you can quantify that….

And if I can play a small part in helping you achieve that, I’m in….

I'm sure Smartphone Video Marketing can help you achieve your measure of success is in your business and that is why I would like to extend a personal invitation to you…

I am creating a small group program for SME business owners to go all-in with Smartphone Video Marketing.

And you're getting this invitation exclusively because you're a fan of Smartphone Video Marketing.

You get what it is all about.

But have you implemented it as yet?

If not, this is your chance to work with me so as we work together in getting smartphone video implemented into your business.

This is an offer that is all about action and implementation.

We're keeping it simple. More details can be found here...

And as I said, this is an offer exclusive only extended to Smartphone Video Marketing community. This offer is not open to the public.

So take action and stop thinking about how you should be doing video marketing. Creating video that can be used and added into your existing marketing channels.



B2B SME Business Owner & Smartphone Video Marketing Founder

>> P.S. << I love showing SME business owners what they can do and how they can do it with smartphone video. If I can share what I know and help them achieve their goals so they can get more out of life and give back what’s important to them, job done.

>> P.P.S. << Where are you with Video Marketing? Implement Smartphone video marketing into your business within 90 days. Book a strategy session and I’ll show you how.

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