While most people seem so fixated on diets and the treadmill. There is a new buzzword going around in 2014. "Mindfulness" is all about detoxing stress from your life and becoming slimmer, happier, and younger looking.
Something we have been doing for years check out Slimquest system and I have helped over 2000 people change their life, be happier and healthier and more in control.
Finally people are catching on to the BS diet industry that I have been exposing for years.
What use is a slim body if you are still stressed, miserable, starving, unhappy and feel like crap all the time??
Everyone knows about giving up coffee, sugar,or cigarettes, drugs or alcohol and often they can't get themselves to do it. The biggest killer in the West is stress so maybe now is a good time to pay attention to your body and how you really feel about yourself overall.
Biodun Ogunyemi ANLP,BNLP,SNLP,C.H,Dip.Hyp www.optimindmethod.com