Subject: video marketing in a perfect world would be like this...

video marketing in a perfect world would be like this...

January 12th, 2013 at 1:35 am PDT

If you'd like to know how video marketing would look like in a perfect world... A world where you could record, edit, publish, market and track all of your videos with just ONE easy-to-use system... (And thus, see a huge increase in profits) Then thi ...

[75% Discount] Long Tail Pro SPECIAL for 7 Days Only!

January 11th, 2013 at 4:28 am PDT

As you are reading this, Long Tail Pro just went live with a CRAZY 7 day special… For 7 days, you can grab the most powerful keyword research software on the market, at a 75% discount. Grab Your Copy This is not a ...

PTO Replaces SEO in 2013

January 5th, 2013 at 3:52 am PDT

Many of us have a kind of love-hate relationship with Google and SEO... Google is on a mission to END SEO. But what will replace it? Google traffic is where you can laser-target your traffic, so you can tailor your content to ensure you ge ...

Give Google what it wants and you will be rewarded.. YOUR solution here..

January 4th, 2013 at 2:58 am PDT

Just Launched: I’ve talked about the importance of using the correct internal-linking structure for your sites’ content for SEO and ranking gains before, particularly in my courses where it was featured heavily. But with the exception of a few e ...

FREE training: onPage SEO MasterClass - dominate Google in 2013

January 1st, 2013 at 2:26 am PDT

Hi there, Just a short 12-14 months ago, the importance of onPage SEO still was around 30%. Basically, no matter how good your content was, or how well optimized and structured your website was, it still had just a 30% impact for your website ranki ...