Subject: White Hat Version of SeNuke... [Plus My Crazy Bonus]

It seems like Google has been hitting us with update after update since Panda in early 2011, and every time something happens, either us, or someone we know loses out.

There are a rare few, however, who never seem to miss out, and continue to hold the top rankings no matter what Google throws at them...

Discover the Seven Critical Ranking Signals these guys are producing that keep the traffic (and profits!) flowing, through Panda, Penguin, and whatever's coming next...


Its a very Impressive WSO with Many new Secret SEO Techniques that Google has been hiding from Us..

But the Really Impressive thing was the OTO..

After you buy the WSO, you'd be given the chance to get your hands on a Very Incredible Software

It can really be termed as the White Hat Version of the much Hyped Senuke Software but 1000 times less expensive than it.

Make sure you don't miss that incredible Tool :)


Here are the Crazy bonuses you'll get when you buy through my link!

If you only buy the FE Product (Signal Pigeon WSO), you will get :

=> 15 Articles Written and Posted to my Authority web 2.0 Sites Network (Including Sites like, Tumblr etc ) containing anchored backlinks to your URL of choice

If you buy any of the OTO (which is a very unqiue and Powerful Software) , I will throw some more Powerful SEO juice your way :

=> 15 Articles Written and Posted to my Authority web 2.0 Sites Network (Including Sites like, Tumblr etc ) containing anchored backlinks to your URL of choice

=> 1 Press Releases Written and Posted to 30+ Press Release Sites, containing anchored backlinks to your URL of choice.

If you are into SEO lately, you would be knowing the power of these types backlinks :)

How to claim the Bonuses ?

1. Firstly clear your browser caches.

2. Buy the WSO through my Link

3. Reply to this email with your Purchase receipt.

4. I will ask you to provide me your Site Url and keyword then and will start the Campaign for it :)

Also, If you don't want to cliam my Bonus services now, you can avail it anytime during the next 30 days.. if you buy through my link.

Get This Amazing Product Plus All These Bonuses Now Through My Link - Click Here!

As you can see I'm pulling out the big guns for this ... because it's AWESOME and a must have!

Yours For Prosperity,

Garish Wasil