Subject: Traffic, Conversions And SEO Results – All Thanks To …?

If you want to get traffic fast, improve your conversions in a couple of clicks and kill it with SEO…

Check this out

You see… using images is the key. Images are the new lifeblood of the internet – ever heard about Pinterest? 9gag? Flickr?

Not only that – in IM we use images for all kinds of things – from sales letters to ebooks, to Kindle covers, to banner creation, website design, PPC ads…

… Only finding images that are actually legal to use is a major pain even if you only have ONE site or project, let alone 10 or 20.

Scouring the web, finding images that are legal to use, resizing, captioning… I can’t tell you how many HOURS and DAYS I’ve wasted doing all of this manually – or the money I’ve spent paying for images.

Good news is, John Pearce and Hugh Hitch have just released an AWESOME, feature-packed solution that…

*Finds relevant images from legal-to-use sources and saves them to disc or uploads to the web with two clicks of your mouse. (there are literally 10’s of millions of images this software is able to access)

* Resize, caption, upload to blog media library all with a couple of clicks and returns the permalink for you to use the image anywhere you like on the Web.

* One click set as featured image in a blog post, and write posts for any of your blogs with a full featured WYSIWYG editor from a single multi-blog command and control center on your PC or Mac.

* Creates viral memes and share them on both FB and Twitter within seconds – and watch the traffic flow in

* Lets you check the copyright of these images with a single click (John lost a $1,000/day income stream because of a SINGLE image he thought was copyright free!)

* Allows you to bookmark the images to multiple FB and Twitter accounts with automatic bitly url shortening.

* … and much more

Frankly, this solution is mindblowing – not only will find you all the images you need, legal to use, for all your IM needs…

….it lets you get traffic, improve your SEO results and conversions and reap the benefits of using images…

It lets you do ALL that in a couple of clicks.

What are you waiting for?

To Your Success,

Garish Wasil