Subject: SEO + Social Media Have OFFICIALLY Become ONE!


For years, Marketers have been jockeying for page
#1 rankings, focused solely on backlinks.

Well guess what…

The future of SEO has EVOLVED and making a major
shift towards CONTENT and SOCIAL SHARING.


Google and other search engines have realized that
people LOVE to share content via social media.

…and that measuring engagement, social sharing
and social signal diversity is a better indication
of what is quality content and worth of high organic

- Share buttons (like, recommend, tweet, bookmark, etc.)

- Connect buttons (Like a Facebook page, Follow on Twitter,
Follow on LinkedIn, etc.)

- Social commenting

Which means that Social Signal monitoring is the NEW
backlink monitoring for SEO.

Which is Marketers NEED to Check out WPSocialTracker:


WPSocialTracker is a social signal monitoring dashboard
that will allow you to easily monitor social signal/sharing
across your website and individual posts for the most popular
sharing sites like…

- Facebook

- Twitter

- StumbleUpon

- Pinterest

- Google+

- Delicious

- LinkedIn

Its by far the easiest way to monitor your social sharing
effectiveness between you and your competitors.

For 7 days they are offering WPSocialTracker at a
special discounted price!

Also the price increases every 10 sales, so go and
grab your copy NOW for the lowest price possible.


And Here are my Bonuses :

Bonus #1: Google+ Game Plan

Discover the Latest Trend In Social Media And Work Less,
Enjoy More And Earn Fast With Google+! Gain new insights
from this ultimate comprehensive guide in making money
with Google+ like a pro!

Bonus #2: The Ultimate Social Media Plan

The Ultimate Social Media Plan covers Understanding the
Value of Social Media Buzz and What It Can Do For Your
Business, Developing a Winning Social Media Marketing Plan,
Set up and Manage a Facebook Page That Works, Tweet Your
Way to Online Prominence, Build Your Network with LinkedIn,
Expanding Your Circle with Google +, Captivate Your Audience
with YouTube.

Bonus #3: Social Media Power

Discover How To Harness The Power of Social Media Sites
like Facebook And Twitter To Ignite Your Business Through
The Roof…This Guide Will Share With You 200 Powerful Social
Media Tactics For Increased Sales, Fans and Followers!

Bonus #4: Pinterest for Your Business

Just when you think that social networking has reached its
peak, a new social trend has taken over. It’s called
Pinterest and it has grown exponentially since its beta
launch in 2010.

Bonus #5: Social Sites Simplified

Get All The Support And Guidance You Need To Be A Success
At Getting The Most Out Of Social Sites!

How to claim the Bonuses ?

1. Buy WP Signal Tracker through this link :

2. Send an email to with the
subjectline : "WP Signal tracker + Bonus" and include your
purchase receipt in that email

3. I will send you the bonuses within 24 hours.

To Your Success,

Garish Wasil