Subject: My favorite thing to outsource in 2013


This is sort of unreal. I recently spoke with a
friend of mine and learned about a strategy that
anyone can use to make money with.

I know you've heard it before, but please suspend
any of your preconceived notions about that statement
while I tell you the steps in this email.

And when I say, anyone, I mean anyone. You don't
need internet marketing knowledge (which you probably
already have anyway). You don't need a lot of money.
You don't need experience or a following, or a list, of
a customer base.

You don't need Google, or Facebook, yada yada... You
can start from total scratch!

Ok, the steps I'm going to list below is how my
friend is making a TON of passive money. It's how 1000s
of others are doing it, as well.

Here we go:

1. Go to Amazon and find a topic that gets searched
for a lot in the Amazon Kindle department. There are tools
that will help you.

2. Write or, better yet, outsource a Kindle book to be
written for you, on that topic.

3. Figure out 7 keyword phrases you want to rank highly
in Amazon for.

4. Publish your book to Amazon. SUPER EASY to do.

5. Get ranked #1 for your keywords.

... and boom. DONE!

That's it. I know people that are making $1000s each
month by following this simple process over and over again.

It's ridiculous how easy publishing Kindle books is. When
I first heard the word, Amazon Kindle books, I assumed nobody
was buying them, and it wasn't worth my time.

But then my friend told me that last year, in 2012,
Amazon's Kindle book sales DOUBLED that of their regular book
sales! It doubled them!

And the best part is, Amazon does the selling part for you.
All you need to do is write your book. Put it on Amazon. And
rank highly for it.

The hardest part is ranking highly. And that part is SUPER
simple once you know what you're doing, and have the right tools.

Here is the tool that he uses to get #1 Amazon Kindle book
rankings, AND find what topics to write on. And a bunch of other
really cool stuff that helps him make more money with Amazon.

If you're not publishing Kindle books yet, wow, you are
missing out on an enormous opportunity. Kindle publishing is so new,
and is growing so fast, that RIGHT NOW is the best time to do this.

I strongly urge you to go here. Get the tool he uses. The tool
that I use. And start publishing Kindle books. There's even a guide
that comes with it, where he shows you, step by step what he does.

Take 2 minutes and check it out. You can thank me later :-)