Subject: Let's Bring Sexy Back to SEO

We know that SEO has become a real drag lately.
Everytime you turn around, Google has come up with a new slap.

Wanna slap back? Click here!

Old school SEO is dead for the most part. Remember not too long ago
worrying about putting your keywords in every paragraph,
and adding them in H1, H2, H3 tags, etc? Trying to get your keyword
in your content 5% or something crazy like that?

Done like dinner now. If you're still doing SEO the old hard way, you
should hang it up. There's a better way–one that's much easier and more

What works in the post Penguin/Panda apocalypse?

>> This does! <<

Social signals work. You see, Google thinks it's much more
reliable to look at social shares from real social network users
as a ranking factor. These are very hard to fake.

Bertus Engelbrecht came up with an ingenious idea of how to get
power social network users not only to gladly and willingly share his
content, but also to opt-in to his list and buy from him.

His rankings climb steadily month after month too. Not to mention
that he is building his brand and authority with his system too!

The beauty of his system is that most people are already doing
90% of what it takes to make this work.

But what's even better is very few marketers are taking advantage
of this right now. It's excting to see something as unsaturated as this
coming out.

Ready to stop buying links and solo ads hoping and praying that
Google's not going to nail you?

Then check out Secret Social Signals Explosion. It's time to make
getting links that stick fun again.

—>> Get Secret Social Signals Explosion


Garish Wasil

P.S. This is only going to be open for 7 days. Bertus' system is so
underground that he doesn't want to let the cat out of the bag too much,
so he's not going to keep it open for long.

Get it here.