Subject: Just Stop It Already!

I know you've been doing this and it really
bothers me. Here's how to stop it:

How do I know what you've been doing? Well,
it's not hard to figure out. You've been slaving
away long and hard to create manual back links
will appease the gods at Google, Yahoo and Bing.

You heard that links from social networks
are safe, and you'd be right.

But I want you to stop it now. There's no more
need for you to lose your mind submitting content
to the social networks manually any more. There's
no more need to wonder if and when you'll be
slapped by Google.

Not now that there's WP Social Poster.

WP Social Poster is a hands-off, automated
solution for creating contextual links from social
networks. The search engines love these kind of
links, and experts agree that these links are
becoming increasingly important as ranking factors.

Unlike other software, you won't need a PhD to
use WP Social Poster. It's very intuitive and
simple to operate. It will save you countless hours
of time manually submitting links.

It will also save you tons of money outsourcing
link building.

So if you're the kind of person who wants to
work smarter, not harder to increase your rankings
and earnings, I'm sure you see exactly why you need
WP Social Poster.

Widely respected SEO experts agree that social
signals are the new SEO. Jayson DeMers from SEOmoz
said: "I believe that social signals have both a
direct and indirect impact on organic search rankings."
How can you argue with that?

So if you want better organic search rankings you
owe it to yourself to check this out.


Garish Wasil

PS–It's a no-brainer to pick this up, but it's
even smarter to get in at the start of the dimesale to
pick up WP Social Poster at its lowest-price ever.