Subject: Have You Gotten InstaMember Yet?


Just a short note to see if you have gotten InstaMember yet. If not,
you better act fast because the word is out that it won’t be available
for much longer, at least not at its current price.

The amazing thing about InstaMember is that it lets you build high-profit
membership sites almost instantly.

Everyone is talking about how simple it is to use and how much
added value it brings to marketing campaigns starting from the
very first day.

Anyway, if you haven’t gotten it yet and you want to take advantage
of special introductory pricing, you need to do so RIGHT NOW!

If I were you, I wouldn’t let this opportunity get past you. Get it now!

Furthermore I have prepared Bonuses for you :

BONUS #1 – Membership Site Secrets

Discover How To Create A Super Network Of Top Notch Profitable
Sites Where Your Members Pay You Each Month For The Privilege
Of Accessing Your Website!

BONUS #2 - WP Launch Theme

Create buzz, generate interested and collect a database of customers
BEFORE even selling a single thing. This sounds too simple, but it’s
the best way to sell anything.

BONUS #3 – Ultimate WP Video Tutorials

Training Videos that explain everything you need to know about
WordPress Step-By Step.

BONUS #4 - Simple S3 Video Plugin For WordPress

This plugin lets you add video hosted on Amazon quickly and easily to
a blog post or blog page. The video can be set to private and there’s no
need to include a video player. Simple S3 Video uses the excellent, open
source Flow Player.

BONUS #5 - Premium Web Elements Triple Pack

Premium Web Elements Triple Pack consisting of 3 separate graphics
packages and 225 different graphics elements all together.

How to claim your Bonuses ?

1. Buy InstaMember through this link :

2.Send an email to with the subject line
"InstaMember Bonus" and include your purchase receipts in it.

3.You'll receive your bonuses wuthin 24 hours.

To your Success,
Garish Wasil