Subject: Friend, Your 2013 Ranking Checklist... [Plus My Crazy Bonus]

Feb 2011 – The Panda Update hits and IM'ers all across the globe see their profits plummet...

And it seems like every month Google throws a new update at us, to bounce our sites around, and have them land 'who knows where'?

It's hardly a fun game to play when it's our livelihood we're talking about...

But there does exist a rare few, however, who never seem to lose rank, and continue to hold on to the top spots no matter what Google throws at them...

Discover the Seven Critical Ranking Signals they're producing to keep their traffic (and their profits!) pumping, through Panda, Penguin, and whatever's next...


Google's New Value Economy isn't so much about Keywords and Backlinks anymore, but the Seven Big Ranking Factors revealed through the link above...

They still play their part of course... it's just not as big a deal as it once was.

And if you make the mistake of thinking otherwise, you'll lose out to the competition when they change their strategy.

Even Professional SEOs are missing out on at least one of these factors, and they're going out of business because of it!

If they can't deliver results, they don't get paid.

And as for our own sites, if we miss out on any one of them... the door is WIDE OPEN for our competitors to swoop in and steal our rankings.

Alternatively... learn all Seven, apply them to your business, and take the competitive advantage!

Here's how to rank sites in the New Value Economy:


My buddy Chris Munch is one of those guys that doesn't bat an eyelid when the next update is announced...

He's been studying, applying and experimenting with SEO for 7 Years and he's pulled together a 30 Minute Masterclass that is absolutely ZERO filler... and PURE Knowledge.

The guy likes his efficiency!

This video will walk you through each of the Seven Ranking Signals, so you'll know exactly what you need to do in your own business...

And he'll even provide you with an 'SEO Cheat Sheet' so you'll never be overwhelmed or confused as to what to do next...

Check out the sales page, you'll even see how one site pulls in 5-Figure monthly traffic... without having ever built a single backlink!

Take a look right here, and put an end to your SEO Confusion for good:



Here are the Crazy bonuses you'll get when you go through my link!

If you only buy the FE Product (Signal Pigeon WSO), you will get :

=> 15 Articles Written and Posted to my Authority web 2.0 Sites Network (Including Sites like, Tumblr etc ) containing anchored backlinks to your URL of choice

If you buy any of the OTO (which is a very unqiue and Powerful Software) , I will throw some more Powerful SEO juice your way :

=> 15 Articles Written and Posted to my Authority web 2.0 Sites Network (Including Sites like, Tumblr etc ) containing anchored backlinks to your URL of choice

=> 1 Press Releases Written and Posted to 30+ Press Release Sites, containing anchored backlinks to your URL of choice.

How to claim the Bonuses ?

1. Firstly clear your browser caches.

2. Buy the WSO through my Link

3. Reply to this email with your Purchase receipt.

4. I will ask you to provide me your Site Url and keyword then and will start the Campaign for it :)

Also, If you don't want to cliam my Bonus services now, you can avail it anytime during the next 30 days.. if you buy through my link.

Get This Amazing Product Plus All These Bonuses Now Through My Link - Click Here!

As you can see I'm pulling out the big guns for this ... because it's AWESOME and a must have!

Yours For Prosperity,

Garish Wasil