Subject: Building a Niche Sites Empire from Scratch..

Hey Friend,

I have been into Niche site business for more than 3 years now and let me tell you.. Its the best source of Passive Income one could ever dream of.

3 years back, I was more involved in Blogging and providing SEO services and things were going good. Then I stumbled across the term 'Niche sites' and how People were raking in thousands of dollars by Creating, Ranking and Monetizing mini sites.

Seriously, It was a real Passive business that I could not resist to enter in. As a result, I created my first Niche site .. a simple wordpress based site with 3 - 4 articles around a Targeted buyer keyword and a clickbank product. Then I did some Onsite SEO of that site and for the Next 2 - 3 weeks, I concentrated on building quality backlinks to it.

My selected keyword had a low competition and Google was not too strict with its Ranking Algos back then. I could not imagine that it would be so easy, but just after the first 3 weeks of creating that site, It was sitting on the first page of google for its keywords and a few other LSIs.

As It was built around a buyer clickbank keyword, affiliate commissions started to pour in into my Clickbank account. It was really quite exciting to see those fast commissions every time I logged in to my cb account.

I saw the potential in that business model and scaled it up by creating a range of niche sites based around various keywords and monetized them both through affiliate products and Adsense Ads. As a result, I built a Passive source of income to rely upon. To add to the fun, I sold Some of my sites as soon as they started to fade out in terms of earnings. Thus adding some instant profits by flipping my sites.

3 years later, Today I have a whole Empire of niche sites which earn me a decent passive income each month and are a source to get backlinks from to my other authority sites. Even after those Crazy Google Updates like the Panda and the Penguin, My Sites rarely got affected in Rankings (Some did, but most didn't).

I used to create my niche sites by my own but sooner I realized that It was taking most of time to build them if not to rank them.

Resultantly, I Outsourced the whole Process and now I've a team of Freelancers doing all the stuff for me as I direct them. But It do cost me money.

But what If I could get someone to build those sites for free for me ?

And What If I also could get someone to build Backlinks for free for my sites ?

I was not fortunate, back then, to get someone too Freakingly Awesome to do it all for free for me..

But You are FORTUNATE...

How ?

Keep your eyes peeled for my special announcement tomorrow around 11am EST time!

Seriously, you'd be Blown Away by an Awesome deal :)

To your Success,

Garish Wasil

PS..My friend Suzanna recently made the InstaBuilder public. In case some of you were under a rock the past week – the InstaBuilder is the most powerful landing page plugin to have ever been created! Unfortunately, She is going to be taking down her special offer soon, so do get it before its gone: