Subject: Friend, new Site Actor tools coming soon. 😀

Hi Friend,

There are some exciting things in the works. Please read this entire email.

I hope you've had a chance to watch the "Getting Started" video and try out each of the Site Actor hooks. These videos are a great way to make a strong first impression and get your prospects wanting to learn more from you. This is why we are purposely not mentioning a specific company name or business opportunity in the videos. We want to compel viewers to contact you for this information. Remember, these videos are effective ice-breakers designed to initiate conversations, during which time, you can present, inform, address objections, and then close the sale. 

Adding links to these videos in your signatures and on your social media bios is great. However, I know it would be even better if we could add clickable animated thumbnail Gifs that will entice more people to click the animated image to watch the video. 

Check out the animated Gif I added to my signature below.

I am working on creating animated Gifs in different sizes for all the videos. This should be available to you in the members area next week. Stay tuned.

Also, we still have complimentary Site Actor Memberships available. You can share the link below with everyone on your team so they can get access to these animated avatar hook videos and the new things coming, including the animated Gifs when they're ready.

Share this link => 
(tell your friends to enter their first name and company name to access the offer)

Have a great week. I will send you another email next week when the animated Gifs are ready.

Best of success,

Jim Neessen
Site Actor Administrator

Business Opportunity

P.S. Remember to use your own domain name with your links, as well as your clickable Gifs when they come out. You can get your domain at: . If you need help setting it up, please let me know and I'll be happy to help.