Subject: Friend, I miscommunicated. I'm sorry. 😞

Hi Friend,

Last week I said I was going to make the Animated GIFs available to you in the members' area. People were wondering how much these were going to cost. Then, I realized I didn't mention that I was giving these to you for free. There is no extra cost. I'm also going to add a video tutorial to show you how you can add these to your email signature like I did below in this email. I'm hoping everything will be ready by the end of this week. 

In the meantime, check out my NEW video tutorial I just created on how you can use your own domain name with your Site Actor videos. There's a lot of beneficial information in this video, like how you can easily set up sub-domains to redirect to other web pages. For example, if your domain was, you could create to send people to your blog. You can create to send people to your bio, and to send people to your business opportunity page, etc. This is a great way to brand yourself. 

The video will also show you how you can set up an unlimited number of domain email forwarders. Wouldn't it look more professional to use an email address with your name and domain on it, instead of or For example, if your domain was, you can create Then, when someone sends you an email to that address, it simply gets forwarded to your main email account. This is fantastic. I can't understand why people are putting gmail and yahoo addresses on their business cards and marketing material when using your own domain email is so easy and inexpensive. Why advertise Gmail, when you can advertise your own domain name with your email address. And, you can easily create as many of these as you want. Watch the video below to see how.

Domain Tutorial =>

Domain Sevice =>

Also, we still have complimentary Site Actor Memberships available. You can share the link below with associates on your team so they can get access to these animated avatar hook videos and the new things coming, including the COMPLIMENTARY animated Gifs when they become available later this week.

Share this link => 
(tell your colleagues to enter their first name and company name to access the offer)

Have a great week. I will send you another email later this week when the FREE animated GIFS are ready.

Best of success,

Jim Neessen
Site Actor Administrator

Business Opportunity

P.S. Remember to use your own domain name with your links, as well as your clickable Gifs when they come out. You can get your domain at: . If you need help setting it up, please let me know and I'll be happy to help.