Subject: Why Affiliate Marketing Is The Most Preferred Online Business Model

Hey Friend


Many online businesses are more costly and difficult than ever to operate right now.


For example…


1. ECommerce has Become a “Red Ocean”


In business, a “red ocean” is any niche or industry where you face a TON of sophisticated competition. Think of it like “shark infested waters”...hence “red”.

Because no matter what kind of store you set up…you’re in competition with Fortune 500 companies who have finally figured out online shopping (because they were forced to)...

And you’re ALSO up against the MILLIONS of mom-and-dad stores around the world that moved online when they had no other choice.

Which means every dollar earned in ECommerce comes with nasty, bloody competition attached…



2. Email Marketing is Harder Than Ever


There are so many online newcomers clogging up the average customer’s inbox…

It is HARD to make sales through email right now.


3. Crypto is DOWN Right Now (and Won’t Come Back for a While)


In case you haven’t heard, the entire crypto market is in a weird place right now.

You have heard the news, major “stable” crypto assets dropped by anywhere from 50% to 92% in value…

And while some are “buying the dip” in the hopes things will bounce back, there’s no clear picture of who the winners will be…or when things will tick back up.

So even if crypto makes sense as a long-term investment (and some experts say it still does) it is NOT going to be a reliable source of daily income any time soon.


4. There are No Good MLMs (No Matter What They Call Themselves)


‘Okay…this might hurt someone who had been in this indusrty for some times but it has to be said…


ALL MLMs are a rip off. Unless you get in early and manage to rip off everyone else.


The reason why is simple: MLMs make most of their money by selling NOT to the end customer…but selling “wholesale” to their sales reps.


Translation? They don’t actually care if you succeed. And if anything, they just want you to keep recruiting people even if it means you all grow broke.



Sign up for a free webinar and find out why affiliate marketing is the best online business model that you should tap into now



Talk Soon,



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