Subject: This changed my business

If you’re interested in creating a profitable, sustainable online business, then keep reading. 

Creating automation software for video creators, podcasters, and live broadcasters is both my passion and my business for the past 3 years now. 

I'm proud to say that my software has helped over 1200 content creators automate their production flow and build their email lists at the same time.

Before I created my first software, I was video blogging for 4 years.  Creating the content was exciting for me (I love to teach). The positive feedback I received was extremely rewarding.

I was pouring in all my energy (and a ton hours) creating this amazing content

But I really struggled to find a way to make a business out of it.

So what did I do?

I did what every logical person would do - I shut down the blog (just kidding but I did seriously consider it)

I started collecting email addresses on my blog and this allowed me to have conversation with my audience in the future.

Fast forward 4 years.  I was ready to launch my first software.  I checked the number of email subscribers from my blog and was blown away to see that I had a list of almost 900 potential customers to sell my product to!

Now every time I launch a new software I do these three things (I call it my TTT framework):
  • Tease - create a simple "coming soon" page with a promise and email opt-in (pre-launch)
  • Tellemail existing lists and invite them to opt-in on this new "coming soon" page 
  • Trust - build trust by creating an incredible resource and offer it to those who are not ready to buy yet (via exit popup)

What I just shared with you is only one of the tactics I use to grow a waiting list of my ideal customers.

There are a ton more ...

Navid Moazzez, the king of getting the best minds together on virtual summits, is pulling together the BEST of the BEST in online business to share their best tips, strategies, and ideas for building an email list jam-packed with quality leads primed to purchase your products and services.

And it’s all coming to you (at no cost) in Navid’s List Building School!

You’ll hear the latest and greatest from world-class entrepreneurs and email marketing experts like Ryan Lee, Neil Patel, Ryan Levesque, Nathan Barry, Jeff Goins, Casey Zeman, Yaro Starak, Zach Spuckler, and myself (plus dozens more!)

List Building School will take place starting next week and here is what you’ll learn:
  • Best strategies for leveraging content creation to build your list
  • How to build a pre-launch list of eager customers for your online course
  • 8 marketing automations you need today
  • How to build an audience from zero to over 100,000 people in 18 months and starting writing for a living
  • How to write delightful emails that sell without being sales
  • The fastest way to grow your audience, influence & revenue
  • Plus much, much more!

If you’re serious about building your online business, this is the must-attend online event of the fall.

Not only will you be exposed to tons of new ideas and strategies, you’ll also have the opportunity to connect in real time with some of the most innovative and cutting-edge thinkers on the Internet today.

Whether you’re a relative newcomer to the online world or you’ve been building your business for years, you’ll learn tons of new strategies to build, grow and monetize your email list faster.

I'm super-pumped to see you there!


P.S - Mark your calendar for Sept 22nd @ 4pm.

This is when my talk on powerful list building tools is scheduled for (you'll love some of the ninja tools on this list)

Grab your free ticket now!

Hani Mourra, 38 Kenaston Gardens, Toronto, Ontario M2K 1G8, Canada
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