Subject: [Simple Podcast Press] ▸ See it in Action

Hey Hey...

Two pieces of exciting news for you today...

First, today is my daughter's 2nd birthday and I'm in an extra happy mood :)

Second, we are exactly one week away from opening the doors and making Simple Podcast Press available to you at an extra special discounted price (woohoo!).  

++ Live Launch Hangout ++
Mark your calendar for August 6th @ 9pm Eastern (6:00pm Pacific) as I'll be doing a Live Google Hangout where we will get to hang out together and I'll answer any questions you may have about the plugin.  More details on that to come early next week.

In the meanwhile, check out these two awesome looking podcast sites that are currently running the beta version of Simple Podcast Press (they look great on mobile too):

++ Money Making Millennials Podcast by Jonah Wilson ++

BTW - This is a fantastic interview Jonah did with John Lee Dumas of Entrepreneur on Fire.  John ended up emailed me yesterday after seeing Jonah's site and was super-impressed with how the Simple Podcast Press player, call to action buttons and opt-in box integrated nicely on Jonah's site.  He is currently testing out the plugin on his own site.

++ The Life of Now Podcast by Greg Barth ++

BTW - Greg is using the PowerPress plugin to generate his iTunes feed. He installed the Simple Podcast Press plugin and with one click he replaced PowerPress player with the Simple Podcast Press player, call to action buttons, and opt-in box.

Have a great rest of the week and I'll talk to you soon...
