Subject: [Repurpose] Your access is here ...

Hi Stacy,

I’m soooo excited to get you access to the Repurpose platform!  

This email has all the information you need to get started.

If you haven’t scheduled your 1-on-1 appointment with me yet, please do so today.

This is a great opportunity for you to ask questions, discuss strategies, and give your feedback on features you would like to see added next.

Your Repurpose Credentials:
email: (used to log in)
password: stacy.braiuca2017

I recommend you change your password as soon as you log into the app.
Visit the Profile->Change Password on the upper right hand side to do so.

App Overview:
Podcasts can be repurposed as videos and distributed to:
- SoundCloud
- Dropbox
- Google Drive
- YouTube

Facebook Videos can be distributed to …
- Dropbox
- Google Drive
- YouTube

Facebook Videos can be repurposed as audios and distributed to …
- Dropbox
- Google Drive
- SoundCloud

Getting Started:
  1. Go to the Connections page on the left hand side and choose the connections you will be using.  Give them a name (any name you like) and follow the steps to finish the connection

  2. Go to the Dashboard page and add your rules (we call this a REPURPOSE!)
    1. Enter a name that makes sense to you (i.e. Facebook Live to YouTube)
    2. Choose an input (which data you want to repurpose)
    3. Choose an action (upload video, convert audio to video, etc)
    4. Choose an output (where you want the data to go)

  3. Click on the gear icon to configure the settings for your REPURPOSE.  These settings will apply to all episodes in that REPURPOSE.  Make sure to Save settings.

  4. Click on View Episodes button to see all your episodes.  Choose an episode to publish (it will enter the queue).  After a few minutes you can click the Refresh button to check the status.  After it is complete you can click the View button to view the episode on the new platform it got published too.

  5. Once you’ve manually published one or two episodes and are happy with the results, then you can go back to the main Dashboard and turn the switch to ON which will set that REPURPOSE to Auto Publish.  This will go through the remaining episodes and publish them all.  It will also automatically publish any new episodes that appear on this input channel.

  6. Sit back and relax… you are all done!

Thank you again for becoming a Repurpose Founding Member.  I really do appreciate it and I’m here to help you in any way I can.


Reminder - You’ve already prepaid for 6 months of service starting on Feb 24th, 2017.  You have 30 days to try this service out.  If you are not happy with this tool for whatever reason, please let me know and I will refund 100% of your money back.

After the 6 month period (starting on August 25th, 2017), you will pay only $24 per month. You can cancel at any time.

Hani Mourra, 38 Kenaston Gardens, Toronto, Ontario M2K 1G8, Canada
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.