Subject: New Update ▸ Simple Podcast Press


Great news!  A new version of Simple Podcast Press is now available.  

After going live 8 days ago, we've received a ton of awesome feedback.  We've been working day and night (literally) to add as many fixes and new features as we can.  Thank you for your support and please keep the new feature requests coming.  We love to hearing from you.

Here are the list of new features: 

* Redesigned how the audio player is displayed on a page.  Improves compatibility on home, category, or archive pages.

* Fixed issue where button colors where not updated due to caching plugins

* Option to import Podcast Episode Art of Libsyn Site Image as the featured image

* Address issue where sidebar player widget wasn't working on some sites 

* Ability to disable Facebook Open Graph meta data

* Ability to disable URL shortener

* 1-Click Tweetables now uses shortened URLs

* You can now disable opt-in box or buttons on individual pages using shortcode options (see quick start guide for details)

* Rounded buttons now available as an option

* Remove shadow on volume button on white audio player

* Removed the ALL CAPS from the Optin Headline and Sub HeadlineHow to Upgrade

Upgrading is Simple:

1. Log in as an administrator into your WordPress site.
2. Go to the plugins section and scroll down to Simple Podcast Press
3. Click "Check for Updates"

4. Scroll down to Simple Podcast Press and choose "Update Now"

Note: After upgrading, there is a small glitch with the button colors that requires you to go to the Simple Podcast Press settings page and clicking Save Settings.  This will restore your button colors back to the way they were before.

Our support team is here for you.  If you run into any issues or have new feature ideas, don't by shy to contact our support team -


P.S - I'll be presenting at Podcast Movement this coming weekend.  Let me know if you are attending, I'd love to meet!