Subject: Just a quick update Friend!

Just a quick update Friend!

July 20th, 2016 at 8:45 pm EDT

Hello Team!!Wow! We're rolling right a long Friend! Members are adverting our link and we're also getting a lot more activity in our facebook group. I think it really helped to put a linkto our facebook group on our team capture page. Thanks Ann Kres ...

In A Couple Hours Friend....

July 19th, 2016 at 8:58 pm EDT

Hello Team,Just wanted to send out a quick update that I will be deleting members from the spreadsheet soon so please head over to the spread sheet and if you see your name in columnA and it reads "Link sent" next to it, you must take action NOW! Che ...

Here Is A Team Update Friend.

July 17th, 2016 at 4:34 pm EDT

Happy Sunday Team!!I hope all is well with everyone and you're enjoying your Sunday afternoon. It'scertainly been a beautiful last couple days here in Minnesota. That looks to changenext week as it's going to get really hot from what I understand wit ...

I Ran Out Friend!!!

July 12th, 2016 at 8:56 pm EDT

Hi Team,That's right! I have ran out of members to add to the spread sheet and that'sreally, really depressing! I figured I would always be playing catch up butthat doesn't appear to be the case. Good news is that we're super early inour team build a ...

We Had A Good Weekend Friend!

July 11th, 2016 at 8:02 am EDT

Hello Team,Well, I'm very pleased with the first 3 days of our team build. We have asea of green on the spread sheet! Most members are responding very wellwith little problems. There are many who have cycled the 1st matrix already!We're starting to g ...

**Important Team Update

July 10th, 2016 at 6:48 pm EDT

Hi Team,Ok, we have a slight problem folks. It's partially my fault as I didn't usea tractable link that I can delete when members fail to upgrade. I guessI took it for granted that everyone would sign up and upgrade due to thehuge potential you have ...

Happy Sunday Friend! Quick Update!

July 10th, 2016 at 1:29 pm EDT

Hello Team,Things are going well. Slightly slower than I want but that is what happens in thistype of team build. I have to wait for people to sign up and then pester those thatare not responding which takes up a lot of my time. The website has been ...

Team Build Update

July 8th, 2016 at 9:05 pm EDT

Hello Team!Things are rolling right a long. We're doing great! We're now well over 100 membersand counting. Most members are following instructions and promptly signing upwhen they receive the link and for that I surely appreciate your efforts! You R ...

Team Build Update

July 7th, 2016 at 8:35 pm EDT

Hello Friend!I wanted to send out a quick update on our progress. We're just under 24 hoursold and have over 90 people on the team or waiting to be added to the spread sheet. I would say that we're off to a very good start! Just remember, we're not i ...

Our Team Build Is GO Friend

July 6th, 2016 at 7:36 pm EDT

Hi Friend,It's time!!! Here is the team link! Please sign up as soon as possible. You willbe added in the order that you joined. Your sign up is time stamped so no worries.I will begin loading members after I find a new admin for the facebook group s ...

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