Subject: Team Build Update

Hello Team!

Things are rolling right a long. We're doing great! We're now well over 100 members
and counting.  Most members are following instructions and promptly signing up
when they receive the link and for that I surely appreciate your efforts! You ROCK!!
Keep up the good work guys/gals and get our team link out in front of as many eyes as
possible. Below is the team link.

Now, let's address some not so good news. When you signed up for the team build,
there is a warning sign stating that there are 2 requirements you need to meet if you want
in on the team. The first requirement is... If you join the team, you MUST upgrade when
a link gets sent to you.  Again, if you sign up to the team you must upgrade with the link 
you receive and do it in a timely fashion.  This is pretty straight forward so EVERYONE
can comprehend the statement that "YOU MUST UPGRADE" if you join our team. If
anyone disagrees that it's not clear as far as requirements, please let me know and I'll make it
so that even a 5th grader can understand what they need to do if they sign up for the team.
There is even a comment right above the sign up form that reads "Are you ready to commit"?
By signing up, you committed Friend! Now please honor your commitment if you 
haven't already done so.    

So now I have members that have been sent links to sign up and they're not responding. Not sure
what the hold up is but it's unacceptable folks! You agreed to upgrade when you signed up
for the team build and I expect you to honor your word as you would expect me to honor my
word, yes?

So here is what I ask. If you were sent a link and you have NO intentions of upgrading, will
you show me the courtesy and email me that you won't be joining? Please? Can you show
at least that much respect?  There will be no hard feelings, really! Just let me know so I'm not
wasting my time waiting for you to sign up and I can remove you from the list.

Frankly, I'm puzzled as why you wouldn't upgrade, you know what I mean? We're not a here
today, gone tomorrow team build. We're here for a long time to come. Remember, my last
team build lasted for almost a year and the only reason it ceased to exist was the fault of
the company itself with empty promises. Did you get that Friend? We were building
for almost a year and I fully expect our team to last that long and longer! This is such an
incredible passive opportunity that you'll be able to earn some decent money and the only
thing you need to do is advertise the team link!  For the $8.00 investment, its a no brainer!!
Now. we'll have to work at bringing in new members but we can do it! Trust me! 

So now what I must do is update the team capture page so it is very clear that if you don't
upgrade, you don't join!!! If you do join and don't respond by upgrading within 24 hours of
receiving a join link, you will be deleted without hesitation!  Not only is this fair but it
also respects those that have joined and upgraded already and who are serious about our
team and are taking an active role in helping to build the team!  

So, what to do now? I ask that you take a look at the spread sheet and for those members
at the top of the list that were sent a link but haven't joined yet, either join or send me an
email that you decided not to join and I will adjust the spread sheet and remove you! Can
you please do me that favor?

Ok, sorry for the rant but that needed to be addressed! Now let's get out there and build
our team! This is your business and as a team, we can make it very successful! Trust
me, I've seen what the power of a team can do and you'll be pleasantly surprised at
what a little effort on your part can accomplish.  Remember, we're just getting started!

Oh, one more thing, not sure what happen but the team link wasn't working earlier but
I have fixed it now and it should work just fine. Let me know if you spot an issue.

Ok, a little dinner and I will get back to work updating the spread sheet.
