Subject: Team Build Update

Hello Friend!

I wanted to send out a quick update on our progress. We're just under 24 hours
old and have over 90 people on the team or waiting to be added to the spread 
sheet. I would say that we're off to a very good start! Just remember, we're not
in a race here. We are here for the long run so please be patient and stop sending
me emails as to when you're going to get a link. I will not answer you. I can only
go so fast and the process of running this team build is very time consuming so
your job is to bring people to the group, I'll do the rest! Most of my work in the 
team will happen at night as I work a 9 to 5 but when I get home, I will devote
my entire evening adding people to the spread sheet and sending out links. There
is no need to panic because you didn't get a link... you will get one in due time.      

 Things have gone very smoothly so far. Team members are responding and
upgrading in a timely manner and I thank you all for that. For a majority of our
members, you have paid attention and followed my instructions. For that, I
thank you all!

However, there're a few people who are still a little confused about our team 
build so I'll do my best to try and explain it here. Please let me know if you still
have questions. 

The team build launched July 6th at 6:30pm Est. To be included in the team build,
Two requirements need to be met. First, You would join with the link that was sent
to you and purchase into the first matrix for $7.00. 2nd required you to advertise the
team link. That's it! The team will then help you get 2 referrals.

If  you had an account with Simple Cycler prior to July 6th, regardless if I was your
sponsor or not, those accounts are not eligible for the team build. Only accounts that
were purchased after we launched the team build in which you joined via the link sent
from me, will be included in the team.

Let me know if you have questions. Right now, I'm going to eat a quick diner and work
into the night sending links and adding members to the spread sheet. If you emailed me,
I may not respond until tomorrow.  I have a lot of work in front of me so you have a good
night and please help promote the team link. I'm excited for our long term future with
Simple Cycler.

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