Subject: Just a quick update Friend!

Hello Team!!

Wow! We're rolling right a long Friend! Members are adverting our link and we're
also getting a lot more activity in our facebook group. I think it really helped to put a link
to our facebook group on our team capture page. Thanks Ann Kress for that great suggestion! 

Thanks to all those that are in our group and are active. It really helps our sign up rate
when people come to our group and they see members who are active and positive. People
like to see that and are more willing to join if they see an active group. Lets keep it up folks!
If anyone wants to be an admin, let me know. Tony is doing a great job but I'm sure
he could use a little help in welcoming members.   

We can make this team build very successful but it's going to take all of us to put in effort.
I know you have heard it thousands of times but there is "No I in Team". We need to attract
thousands of members so we can see those thousand dollar payments. Can we make that
happen? You bet!!! We have a great opportunity for a one time low cost of $7.00 and I
know we can attract thousands of potential members if we put in the effort. We have the
opportunity to make $1000 over and over again if we work at it!! We're here for the long haul!!
We will make our team a success! Failure is not an option!

Oh, and for those that are struggling about advertising the team link. Please take a moment 
and think about it. I'm sure if you really take the time to sit and think it through, you'll
understand why we do it. It takes 6 people to fill you matrix. You have 2 referrals on your
1st level. Those 2 referrals each got their 2 referrals and now, your 1st matrix is full and
you advance to matrix 2. Those referrals will follow you as they advance through the
matrix which will keep pushing you though the matrices. We just need to help people get their
2 referrals! That's it!! That's all we'll ever need but it's going to take a lot of effort to make
that happen. Everyone benefits from advertising the team link. Get it out of your mind that
you need to bring as many personal referrals as you can because I can guarantee you that
95% can't recruit and your matrices will stall out. Sure, you may get some sponsor bonuses
on the front end but if your down line can't recruit, you will only go so far and you will stall
out. With our team, EVERYONE gets 2 and our matrix will always move and members will
always be cycling their matrices. Team builds are a great thing!! 
Now, if you recently signed up with a link I sent you, please, please, email me back
with your user id and proof of payment! Members are upgrading but not letting me know
and so I delete them and put a new potential member in that spot so what happens is that
some members end up getting 3 referrals. Sorry, there is not one thing I can do about that.
It's very frustrating.  I would encourage all members to help me out as well. If you see
a pending member under you and you know you already have 2 referrals, lets be honest and
tell me so I can cancel their link. By the way, I love being able to cancel the join links after
24 hours. It makes it so people can't use them later to upgrade.    

I'm also going to "tweak" the welcome page that has the instructions on it. Personally, I think
the instructions are very clear but some members are having difficulty with them or are just
not reading them. I'm going to make it SO simple to understand from tonight on and I hope
that will alleviate some of the issues.   

Ok, I plan on jumping over to our facebook group and welcome new members and reply
to some question. I'll see you there Friend!

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