Subject: **Important Team Update

Hi Team,

Ok, we have a slight problem folks. It's partially my fault as I didn't use
a tractable link that I can delete when members fail to upgrade. I guess
I took it for granted that everyone would sign up and upgrade due to the
huge potential you have in joining the team. Well... I was wrong.

I just had a member sign up under the link I sent them 3 days earlier and
I deleted them from the spread sheet because they wouldn't respond. I will
reach out to that member and see if we can get her in again as she had
special circumstances and didn't have access to the internet.

So... from now on, please check the spread sheet before you sign up to
check to see if you are still on it in column 1. If you don't see your  on the
list, please contact me if you want to re-join and I will send you a link.

  Click here for the team spread sheet.

From this point on, I have started using links that I can delete when members
get deleted from the spread sheet. This will prevent people from joining under
the link that they were sent if they decide to join.

I'm going to reach out to Mike to see if they can be moved but I highly
doubt it! There are 3 people that joined under my link and I don't have a clue
how they got my link as I only sent it to 2 people(My 2 referrals). I can only assume
that one of my 2 referrals released the link for whatever reason! Plus, now we have
the one that was deleted so that is 4 people that I may have to add to the team spread

Folks, do not promote your personal link!! Our goal here is to make sure everyone
gets 2 referrals and if you bring people in under your link, they will fall below someone
and could stall their matrix as we won't build under them. It's hard to visualize but just
think about it.

This is the link to advertise Folks. EVERYONE should be using this link

Have a good night!
