Subject: I Ran Out Friend!!!

Hi Team,

That's right! I have ran out of members to add to the spread sheet and that's
really, really depressing! I figured I would always be playing catch up but
that doesn't appear to be the case. Good news is that we're super early in
our team build and will be here for a long time to come so let's keep up
the good work and continue to advertise the team link.

Did you know that we have had over 17,000 unique hits to the team capture
page? That's pretty darn good in my opinion. Is there something that we could
do better to convert some of the traffic into paying members? Do you think
we should tweak the capture page? We're a team here so please don't be
bashful. I will listen to all suggestions and if I like it, I will make changes.
Maybe I need to remove the "You must upgrade" at the bottom of the page?
I really think I may do that. Your thoughts??

So far, I have removed 25 people from the active column due to not
upgrading. It's too bad really as most had good spots. You can lead a horse
to water... but you can't make him drink!! If you want back in the active
column, send me an email and we'll make it happen, captain! 

I suggest taking a look at the spread sheet for your name. If you received a link,
you have 24 hours from the time you received it to upgrade or you will be deleted.
Everyone is time stamped so you'll know exactly when you were sent a link.

Click Here For The Spread Sheet 

That all I have at the moment. You guys keep up the good work and keep
promoting the team link. We need a ton of members if we're going to be
