Subject: Hi Friend, Here Is A Short Simple Cycler Update.

Hello Team!

First, I would like to welcome all our new m.embers to the team! We're
really glad that you have decided to join us. This is a great o.pportunity
for long term earnings. If you joined but did not upgrade but would like
a new link, please email and I'll get a link out to you asap.
It has been awhile since my last update only because there has been little
to report. We have very few people signing up to get the team link and less
than 2% of those have actually upgraded. Not sure what to think but we're
just not seeing the m.embership growth that I expected. No worries though,
we will keep building. Hopefully, with the winter months ahead, membership
will pick up. We're not going away and with one of my next projects coming up,
I do believe our numbers will keep increasing as it will include Simple C.ycler.
Stay tuned folks... it will only get better!          

We work as a team here and as such, you're expected to adv.ertise the team
to attract more members to the team. Please do your part and put forth an effort
to help grow our membership base. This is your b.usiness and if we all do our
part in helping to bring in members then we will do very well.

Right now, We're averaging about 1500 hits a day. That may change 
in the next month or two as the summer comes to a close. Statistically,
the summer months are the worst months for online b.usinesses. Fall
and winter months are the best so with that said, lets ramp up our adv.ertising
efforts now so when it starts getting into the cooler months, we'll have tons
of ads out there on the net. The time to be proactive is NOW!

So far, we have had over 362,000 h.its to our team capture page! We're off to a great
start. Thanks to all those that are doing their part helping to adv.ertise our
team build. Please keep up the great work. Never give up! We will build for
long term earnings.  

Did you know that we have a facebook group? See link below. Come join
the group and engage. Lets show people that we're an active group. If we
give off the impression that we're successful and active team build, that will
attract new m.embers. We can do this Friend but we will need you to
put in an effort. Thanks to those that have taken an active role in advertising the
the team capture page. It's members like you that is the reason that we will see success. 

We have also added a new 125 x125 banner to help in our advertising efforts. Please
get our banner out on every w.ebsite you belong to. If you're like me, you belong to a
ton of adv.ertising sites and if we take a moment or two and everyone post our banners
to these sites then our opp.ortunity will be out there for thousands to see! Lets make a 
effort and do that this weekend.

That's all I have at the moment. Keep up the good work and we will reap the rewards.
Again, if you received a link but did not join, you can get another opp.ortunity to join. Just
send me an email requesting another and I'll get one out asap, no questions asked.

We will be moving into another e.arning opp.ortunity that will include Simple C.ycler
so look for news on that soon. It will have matching bonuses and straight co.mmissions as
well. I will also be starting a separate team build for Penny pays so we're are going to
have our plates full of earning opportunities if you so choose to participate.     

Have a great day (SKOL Vikings)!! I look forward to a successful, long term business
relationship with you!

Dan Rose

Here are links team l.inks for you.

Team Link


Web url:
468x60 Banner
125x125 Banner

Facebook Group

Advertising Resources:

Spread Sheet