Subject: Here Is A Team Update Friend.

Happy Sunday Team!!

I hope all is well with everyone and you're enjoying your Sunday afternoon. It's
certainly been a beautiful last couple days here in Minnesota. That looks to change
next week as it's going to get really hot from what I understand with a heat index of over
a 100 degrees, ugh!

We are rolling right a long Friend, Not as fast as I would prefer but we're seeing 
some movement. We seem to be getting a lot of people that are signing up to the team but
will not upgrade when I sent them the link. This just puzzles me as to why that is happening?
Not only that, I spend a lot of time removing these people. Look at the spread sheet on the
right hand side, you see lots of names that have been removed. If you see you name and 
want back in the active column, send me an email and I'll put you on the list again. It
doesn't matter when you join folks, we're here for the long haul. We will be building our team
for long term earnings.

Also, if you did not sign up under a team link that I sent, you're not in the team build. Again,
if you signed up under a link that you received from someone other than me, you're not in the
team build. I will not waver from this. I have had several request from people wanting on the
team spread sheet to be in line for 2 referrals and they signed up under someone else that
is not on the team.  If you want on the team, ask for a team link and if you upgrade using
the link I sent then I will be more than happy to add you to the spread sheet. 

Another HUGE problem that we have encountered is people that joined early and upgraded
via Paypal. What happen in some cases is that some members upgraded using paypal and as
you know, Paypal is not an instant upgrade so their upgrade was delayed until it was
manually approved by admin. So what would happen is that the member would send me an
email telling me that they upgraded when in all actually, they weren't technically upgraded
yet. So then I would assign them referrals and when their referrals signed up using STP
or Payza, they were upgraded automatically and they jumped their sponsors matrix. This 
left a hole in some peoples matrix. This was more prevalent in the early stages of our build
as I was sending out a lot of links so this only affected those that joined early in the team build.          

The good news is that this happen to a very small group of individuals, thankfully!  This is
a sticking point that has to be addressed so all members are equally successful. If we don't
these members may not cycle properly. What I have decided to do is give those that this has
happen to, one more member that will help complete their matrices. I don't see any other
alterative. I just can't let these team members flounder so that is what I will do. I have also
specified now( To help resolve this) is that I highly encourage members not to use Paypal.  If they
do, I ask that members only send me an email once they get the confirmation email that they
have been upgraded and not before.     

If this has happen to you, and you're sure that you should have cycled your 1st matrix,
send me a screen shot of your 1st and 2nd levels with their names. I will then make a 
determination if I will add one more member to help you cycle. If you fail to follow these
clear instructions, I will simply pass you. Sorry, I don't have the time to hold your hands
to follow through when my instructions are clear. If your 2 referrals show that they have
2 referrals, then you should have cycled your first matrix. Now keep in mind that some
people advertised their own link(Big no-no) and you could have received some spill. In this
case, that is fine as long as you cycled your first matrix. However, if they can't recruit,
your matrix could stall. That is why EVERYONE must promotes the team link!  It might
not seem like that helps you but trust me, it does help you and the team!! Everyone gets
2 referrals ensuring that we have whole matrices that will not stall. 

I have added a new batch of members to the spread sheet so please take a look at it and
if you see that I sent you a link, please upgrade asap. Remember. you have 24 hours to
upgrade and then you will be removed.  

That is all  have right now folks. Just keep advertising and we'll continue to grow!
Thanks for all those that are doing their part by advertising the team link! It is much

Have a good day!

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