Subject: Happy Sunday Friend! Quick Update!

Hello Team,

Things are going well. Slightly slower than I want but that is what happens in this
type of team build. I have to wait for people to sign up and then pester those that
are not responding which takes up a lot of my time. 

 The website has been updated about  if you join, you're expected to upgrade. It's sad
that I have to send follow up emails asking to upgrade. What's even worse is that I
asked members if they're not going to sign up to please just send me an email stating
so and I will remove you from the spread sheet. Well, one person had the courtesy to
email and the rest have just ignored me. I hate to say it but that's just rude folks. You
know who you are.

With that said, you will have 24 hours from the time I send you a link, to upgrade.
There will be no more emails sent. I will discontinue entering deletion comments
on the spread sheet. I will just simply delete you without warning and be done with it.
if there are special circumstances, you contact me and we can work something out.
But going forward you'll have 24 hours from the time I send you a link. If you don't
act within those 24 hours, you will be deleted. You can, however, sign up to the list
again but it will be at the bottom of the list. If you fail to sign up again a 2nd time
you will not be able to join our team build.

That's all I really have today so I suggest you look at the spread sheet and act if
you have been sent a link. If you can't find the email, let me know and I can re-send it.
There is an asterisk * next to your name in the 1st column if you were sent a link. If 
you don't see an asterisk next to your name then that means you have not been sent
a link yet. Chances are good that you'll get it today though!    

Have a great day!